Take Goal Setting to a Whole New Level

Take Goal Setting to a Whole New Level

Some years ago I was facilitating a forum meeting and asked the group of CEOs and Presidents to give me some of their goals. It was all smiles until I said no business goals!

As we went around the room many looked down in dismay, some became tearful. These expert leaders realized that their goal setting was one dimensional. Some of the most important areas of their lives were proceeding aimlessly.  

Successful leaders know how to set goals. Most are very effective with their business and/or personal development goals. But that is where it stops.  We forget the rest of our lives.

Setting goals gives us direction, helps us focus our energy and brings clarity to how we choose to spend our time. As you set goals for 2016 and beyond, give attention to a more comprehensive view. Use the same skills that work for business goal setting and take a look at other important areas of your life.

Here is an example of a template our clients often use.  Simply identify two goals for each area; be very specific and set due dates.






Once you have selected your goals,

Integrating your professional and personal lives will greatly reduce your stress. This is not about life-work balance. I'm not sure we really can get it balanced. This is about integrated priorities and time allocation to reflect our values every day of our lives.

Charles Polcaster, Ph.D.
Executive Coach

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